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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Good news or bad, which do you prefer first?

I guess everyone has their own preference when deciding which type of news they prefer to listen to first and which one they prefer to listen to later. After some thinking, I think I would prefer to get the bad news first. I have had a tendency in life to want to get the bad over with really fast, so I can move on to the good in life. It kind of drives me crazy when I tell someone that I have good news and bad news for them, and they want the good news first... then I give the bad news and they don't really like the bad news too much since it puts their mind in great turmoil and then they want to go over the bad news over and over and over again. I just don't respond to that type of stuff very well and usually exit real quick. I just think to myself, you should have asked for the bad news first! I guess it all depends on the person’s personality and how they are able to handle the news which is dished out to them.

Reasoning can be sought for either way. If you choose to receive the good news first you will be happy and later on in a foul mood for the bad news that will come later .Then if you get the bad news first you will be sad and then the happiness will come after and be the last emotion you have. Some people claim that it is better to hear the good news first than the bad news later as the good news fills our heart with happiness and joy. After hearing the good news, if we listen to the bad news, the bad news will have some impact on the bad news, and it won’t hurt us much at the heart so much as the good news will lessen the impact of the bad news. While others claim that it is better to hear the bad news first because then they have something to look forward to, being the good news. Like I said a little while ago, I would rather hear the bad news first, be upset for a minute and know I have good news to hear also than be in a good mood and then to have that mood crushed due to the bad news. So which do you prefer first Good or Bad news?


