I used to spend a lot of time on the internet looking for ways to earn extra money from websites that pay user to use their services. Sometimes earning that little extra income can go a long way in easing the financial problems which you might be facing. While I was surfing the net I discovered this new site in which you can participate in taking not only surveys but you also get to try some products just to earn some extra money. The best part is that - for people that are new to the site and go ahead and sign up with them and get $20.00 just for completing the member bonus. Well, it just cannot get any easier to earn cool twenty bucks just for doing that! Well drop by the site and see for yourself. Click here to begin now.
Well, you can start out by visiting www.getpaidtotry.com, sign up and browse the site. I discovered that the registration was quick and really simple. You give the basic information and confirm your account with them after they send you a confirmation email which drops into your e-mail account immediately.
Once you are a confirmed member, you can start earning money by responding to different online surveys and completing online offers. The offers vary from Automotive, Babies, Children, Family, Health, Beauty, Fitness, Internet, Computers, Shopping, Sweepstakes and many more. There are so many it's worth giving it a try.
The best part is that you are not required to disclose your credit card information to become a member. Once you reach the minimum payout of $20, you can request payment via PayPal. This is my preferred method for payment wherever I work since it is so safe and secure.
I liked the site so much that I am planning to go back just now and checking out some more categories which really interested me a lot. It is an awesome place to earn some money. There is nothing to lose and a lot of money to be gained. So rush in now and join this fantastic site.
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Saturday, July 12, 2008
Get paid to take surveys
Posted by Anonymous at 7:13 AM
Labels: Get paid to take surveys
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