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Monday, June 15, 2009

A few of life’s unsolved mysteries

A few thoughts have been floating around my head for some time. These thoughts really didn't take concrete shape until just recently. It seems like there is an unnatural trend among our society to become stick like skinny in order to become fashionable. It's like I can count your bones buddy. No offense meant but these days skinny people really irritate me! Especially when they say surprising things like...'You know sometimes I forget to eat!' .....Now I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name and my keys, but I have never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat!

It looks like every time I step on the scale, the numbers on the machine seem to get larger and larger. It's like hey...I was just 130lbs just a few days ago. It must be because the older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then, your body and your fat are start to become really good friends. Lol. The other point which I just cannot figure out is how a 2-pound box of chocolates can make a person gain 5 lbs.
The other unsolved mystery which I have encountered is: missing clothes. I never really paid much attention to this before, but recently while organizing the drawers I noticed that many of the socks and other items seemed to be missing. When I usually go to the store, I end up buying at least a pair of socks and other basic items and then during the remaining part of the year I am left wondering where did all the socks go or where the other items which I just bought is. For me it extends to clothes also I have no clue where things end up half the time and I am left scratching my head. I really think that the washing machine is eating clothes, socks and underwear... Because no matter how much hunting I do I just can't find everything. I was starting to think that the washing machine monster gets them or is it that in time they turn into wire clothes hangers? The reason I said this was that I noticed that when I go to the cloths locker there is always more wire hangers than the previous visit. These hangers are multiplying like rabbits even though I don’t go to the dry cleaners at all.
So after much searching, I finally gave up, threw my hands up in the air and said “I give up. I can't find them”. Finally, I ask the other family members if they had seen such and such. I am told by one of them to look out our bedroom window. I was really left wondering what they meant. So I went and took a look and there is everything I could not find! Some time back I did laundry and put everything outside on the line to dry instead of using the dryer as it consumes too much electricity and ruins the clothes faster. I hardly ever use the line outside and had forgotten all about it! LOL so if you are missing some clothes take a look out your window. You never know what you'll find. I think the missing clothes mystery is an age old question. I think ever since the washing machines were invented, the people have wondered where their socks and other items have disappeared off to. I have never come across anyone who can answer this question to my complete satisfaction. It truly is a mystery and a funny one at that. People lose so many clothes on a regular basis and it’s really must be aggravating at times. At one time, I was the king of loosing clothes. I don’t know where they’re going is what I usually end up saying. Besides the skinny people, I guess these missing socks are also on the life’s greatest mysteries list I guess. Lol. So, what about you all? What are some of life’s greatest mysteries for you besides "How to set up and use the new version of your favorite site with ease".

